From our studio in Auckland, New Zealand, we create art that has a sense of humour, a hint of nostalgia and always proudly celebrates what it is to be a Kiwi. Whether it's art or a related product we always have the same aim: to make people smile. Glenn Jones Art is a family business: Glenn creates the artwork, Julia takes care of the business, and our three kids provide lots of inspiration and the odd distraction. We love nothing more than getting emails and photos from customers telling us what our art means to them.
Glenn, Describe your typical day…
First coffee. Then help get the kids out of bed and head off to work and more coffee. Some days we're working on the business, planning etc, other days I'm drawing or doing stuff in the back end of our website, there's always something on the list!
Where do you get your ideas from?
It's my most asked question. The best ideas come when you're not trying to think of ideas. A lot of it is about nostalgia and trying to look at everyday stuff in a different way.
Do you ever get creative blocks? How do you get over these?
All the time, so I do something else, go for a run or have another coffee. Any one of those options usually seems to work.
The best thing anyone has ever said about your art?
We've received incredible feedback, Sometimes it's a reminder of a loved one, or a time in peoples lives. Some of it is really powerful. You can't help but feel good or be moved by a lot of it.
Your dream design gig?
Working on my own art business
What would you be if you weren’t an artist?
Landscape gardener
Julia, Describe your typical day…
Get the kids sorted, lunches, bags packed and off to school. Then it's back to work on our business with Glenn. I deal with our customers and communication as well as the running of Glenn Jones Art.
You used to be an engineer, project managing multi-million-dollar projects - how does managing Glenn compare?
Like being a project manager, you allow for things to go off on tangents, but generally it all works pretty well.
The best thing about working with (and living with) an artist?
He thinks outside the square.
And the worst?
He thinks outside the square.
What’s your favourite Glenn Jones art work?
The Farmer's Wife (high heel gumboots) - I grew up on a farm, and have always thought this was funny design.
The best thing about your job / being a part of the business?
We get out of it what we put in and it's really satisfying to see it succeed.
How do you like to spend your weekends?
With Glenn keeping our kids busy.